Mira Mesa Real Estate Market
Real estate median, low and high prices are based on Mira Mesa listings that are currently active in AlexiouRealty.com, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.
Mira Mesa Schools
School Name | Rating | *Score | Type | Grades |
*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.
Mira Mesa San Diego, CA 92126
About Mira Mesa
Mira Mesa was established in the 1950s as a residential area for the Naval Air Station at Miramar to the south.
Eight community parks including an active teen center and a senior center are located in this neighborhood. Facilities include an ice arena and an aquatic complex.
Mira Mesa Boulevard bisects the area and provides shopping and office space. A new commercial development that includes a movie complex and a number of popular stores has recently been constructed near the I-15 intersection. A thriving group of Vietnamese restaurants and markets can be found near the intersection of Black Mountain Road. Further west, newer business parks and office buildings take advantage of the area’s easy access to both I-805 and I-5.
The residential area attracts young families; many still military stationed at the now Miramar Marine Corps Air Station.
The schools are good and the proximity to recreation areas and freeways is attractive