I’m sure that during this past month you have noticed some “dust” and several major changes going on in our website. After having the same “look” for the past 5 or so years we decided to give it a complete facelift and also make AlexiouRealty.com a mobile responsive site.
The way we see it, this means that you can now easier find the information that you want much easier and also where you are at your desktop PC or at your iPad or any tablet that you use and even on your mobile phone.
We have also updated our MLS tools with the “best” tools that we could find. After being using the search listing tools from the same company since 2004 and although we believe that they provide the best and easiest “Advanced Search” than any other company out there, that company’s technology is at least a year or two outdated, so until they update their technology (promised January of 2014) we also added search tools from another company which are faster, easier to navigate and display and most important they work just fine on any tablet or mobile phone.
During the next few days we are working on adding more Community pages where you can easily find homes for sale currently listed and also pending or recently sold homes in that community.
At the end of the day you now have the option to use either one of the two San Diego Home Listings Search tools that are available in our website. Just please make sure that you register for the one that you have not registered yet as they work independent from each other.
We’d love your comments on our new look and the new Home Listing Search Tools!