Mission Hills Real Estate Market
Real estate median, low and high prices are based on Mission Hills listings that are currently active in AlexiouRealty.com, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.
Mission Hills Schools
School Name | Rating | *Score | Type | Grades |
*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.
Mission Hills, San Diego, CA 92103
About Mission Hills, San Diego
This low-key community is definitely for the well-to-do, yet it has a very down to earth aura. Along Washington and Goldfinch Streets are shopping centers, specialty retail shops offering unique and ethnic goods and many restaurants ranging from casual to upscale.
Mission Hills which is above Old Town, is approximately 5 minutes to downtown San Diego and the Lindbergh Field International Airport. It is also a short distance to the beach, the Presidio Park, neighboring Mission Bay, Ocean Beach and Pacific Beach. The tourist attractions, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo are just minutes away. It is an easy access to Fashion Valley Mall, an upscale shopping center that offers upper end department stores to many varieties of restaurants.
Some of the fixtures in this community that are a “must see or try” are Mission Hills Nursery and Phil’s BBQ. During the summer, in Pioneer Park concerts and other cultural activities are held such as the street fair, where local artisans display their art, civic and some church events.
Real estate in Mission Hills range in price from moderate for condominiums and detached homes, to million dollar estates and are not clustered strictly by price. Many of the Mission Hills homes have views of the entire San Diego harbor and city.