La Costa Real Estate Market
Real estate median, low and high prices are based on La Costa listings that are currently active in, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.
La Costa Schools
School Name | Rating | *Score | Type | Grades |
*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.
La Costa, CA 92009
About La Costa
The La Costa neighborhood of Carlsbad is one of the most known residential areas in the North San Diego County.
La Costa offers an idyllic Southern California lifestyle, given the area is primarily residential, has beautiful views, and experiences a very pleasant California climate all year round.
The area was developed around 1965 when land was purchased and turned into a golf course, homes were built, and the Rancho La Costa Inn (later called the La Costa Resort and Spa and now renamed the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa) was created for the area visitors.
High-end properties in La Costa tend to be gated, and there are also a few small gated condo communities along the golf course. Many homes that sit on the hill offer panoramic views of the Batiquitos Lagoon, the ocean, the La Costa Resort and Spa and the hills. La Costa's proximity to the resort and to the beatiful Carlsbad beaches make this area a desirable residential and vacation area.