Imperial Beach Real Estate - Community Guide

Imperial Beach Real Estate Market

Imperial Beach real estate features many ocean view homes and oceanfront condos along Seacoast Drive.





Real estate median, low and high prices are based on Imperial Beach listings that are currently active in, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.

Like most, the real estate market in Imperial Beach, CA is ever changing. For this reason it is important to have accurate and up to date Imperial Beach real estate trends and housing data in order to make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell your Imperial Beach home. On the charts below you will see current 6-month Imperial Beach real estate trends updated daily so feel free to come back periodically to see how the Imperial Beach real estate market has changed. Charts show real estate data in 90 day rolling averages.

Median Home Price for Imperial Beach, CA

The Median Home Price for Imperial Beach is based on single family homes for sale in Imperial Beach, CA over the past six months.

Average Days on Market for Imperial Beach, CA

The Average Days on Market for Imperial Beach is based on the number of days it took a single family home in Imperial Beach, CA to be sold over the past six months.

Total Inventory for Imperial Beach, CA

The Total Inventory for Imperial Beach is based on the number of single family homes that were for sale in Imperial Beach, CA over the past six months.

Median Market Action Index for Imperial Beach, CA

The Median Market Action Index for Imperial Beach, CA is based on the balance between supply and demand using a statistical function of the current rate of sale versus current inventory. A Market Action Index (MAI) value greater than 30 typically indicates a “Seller’s Market”.

Imperial Beach Schools

Sort the data below by either school name, parent rating, score, school type or grade range by clicking on either of the column headings.
School Name Rating *Score Type Grades

*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.

Imperial Beach, CA 91932

Imperial Beach is located 20 miles south of Downtown San Diego, just north of Tijuana, Mexico.

About Imperial Beach

Imperial Beach boasts that it is the most southwesterly community in the U.S.
Imperial Beach Real Estate


the community was started originally as a beach retreat for residents of Imperial Valley in 1887, hence the name.

The area has had a long pier for fishing since 1909 when the original pier was built to house machinery that generated electricity from wave action. The “Edwards Wave Motor” was not very successful and was dismantled shortly after it was installed. The pier has been destroyed several times by wave action. The last time it was replaced was 1988.

Imperial Beach is known for some of the best sand in the country. The community holds the annual U.S. Open Sandcastle Competition with contestants from all over the country. The sandcastles are intricate marvels of transitory architecture.

There are two wildlife sanctuaries and a state park in the area. The Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge, the Tijuana River National Estuarine Sanctuary and Border Field State Park provide recreational opportunities.

The city incorporated in 1956 becoming the 10th city in San Diego County.

New Listings in Imperial Beach

Below are new home listings in Imperial Beach, CA 91932.
As of now there are no new properties listed during that past 7 days in Imperial Beach. Please check back later as new real estate listings are entered throughout the day.

Open Houses in Imperial Beach

Below are some of the open houses in Imperial Beach, CA 91932.
Currently there are no open houses in Imperial Beach. Please check back later as new real estate listings are entered throughout the day.

Contact us

George Alexiou, Real Estate Broker
George Alexiou GRI, ABR
Broker - REALTOR® e-PRO
Direct: (619) 921-0284
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