Carlsbad Real Estate Market
Real estate median, low and high prices are based on Carlsbad listings that are currently active in, including detaches homes and attached condos, townhomes and rowhomes. This data continually changes as new and updated listings come on the market and it is provided only for your information. Visitors should exercise caution and always consult a professional Realtor prior to drawing final conclusions based on just active live listings data.
Like most, the real estate market in Carlsbad, CA is ever changing. For this reason it is important to have accurate and up to date Carlsbad real estate trends and housing data in order to make informed decisions on whether to buy or sell your Carlsbad home. On the charts below you will see current 6-month Carlsbad real estate trends updated daily so feel free to come back periodically to see how the Carlsbad real estate market has changed. Charts show real estate data in 90 day rolling averages.
Carlsbad Schools
School Name | Rating | *Score | Type | Grades |
*School data provided by National Center for Education Statistics, Maponics, and GreatSchools. Intended for reference only. GreatSchools Ratings compare a school’s test performance to statewide results. To verify enrollment eligibility, contact the school or district directly.
Carlsbad, CA (92008, 92009, 92010, 92011)
About Carlsbad
It has seven miles of beautiful beach and has three picturesque lagoons. A popular area for shopping and a local hung-out is the Carlsbad Village, downtown.
Carlsbad is considered by many as the golf capital of the world. There are two world class golf resorts (Aviara and La Costa). Also there are more than 30 golf industry businesses that call Carlsbad home. Also home to the only Legoland theme park in the United States.
Every spring blooms 50 acres of flowers at the popular tourist attraction, The Flower Fields.
The beaches in Carlsbad attract many beach goers for sunbathing, BBQ, and surfing.
Surrounding Palomar Airport inland, there are several high-tech industries.
Several resorts offer golf and tennis–the most famous is La Costa Resort and Spa. The plushest resort is Aviara Four Seasons.